Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day time

I am liking working day shift so much better!  It's so much easier to do things during the day with people!

I got to see a best friend who was up from Dallas!
What do you do when you haven't seen a best friend for a long time and you realize 5 minutes after you say goodbye and are on the freeway you forgot to take a picture together?  Send pictures of yourself to each other and crop it together of course!

I went on many picnics and a walks through gardens with Taylor
First picnic of the week:
Our picnic in the park

It was sooo sunny!  I love the day time

Our first garden walk of the week:
Dry willow trees!

Our second picnic of the week:
This is Taylor all embarrassed I took a picture of him and his romantic-ness in front of people at Red Butte Gardens

 Our second walk around a garden of the week:
Waterfalls!  Yes....I'm wearing the same outfit...different day...it wasn't dirty!
Moose in the river! (It's fake)

Learned to drive some stick shift...stalled in the middle of a road a  few million times....
Those hairy legs are Taylor's...not mine.  I took this picture in the passenger seat after being tired of driving stick

Sunday, April 28, 2013

life lately

Haven't posted for a while because I've been so sick
And Taylor's been studying lots...or at least, what HE calls studying....
This is Taylor studying for an exam...yes he is upside down, nope, no books by him

We went on a date to Blue Iguana to celebrate my last day working night shift
Taylor bit a chip to make it into a heart shape...a true romantic
We went on some walks

I threw up at Taylor's school and the next day he took a picture of where it was....apparently I didn't clean is up that well.  But it's hard to clean up when you're sick.  I really hate bronchitis

Got some cortisone shots in my heels to make them stop hurting so much

And had my second bridal shower that this cute little lady helped her mom put on

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Haps

I like to write notes to Taylor and then he takes pictures of him reading them at work or school to send me while I'm sleeping during the day
Taylor reading his note and eating his goodies at work while studying
My cute boy reading his next note and goodie bag while walking to class
And then in the middle of the night when I'm awake at work, I send pictures to Taylor of things I write to him in my food...

I've been practicing my crocheting skills

And messed up my first bit so I made it into a ring

And because Taylor is so sweet and my work week was so terrible and dreadful--but I still had to go--I go to work and get out of my car in the hospital parking lot, and Taylor all the sudden appears and hands me a love note/goodie bag (Sneaky boy texting me before saying he's at school and wishes he could see me...)

During the weekend we got some engagement photos done

 I went to work and forgot all about my lunch, so my nice parents came and dropped it off for me
Surprised! I didn't know my parents were coming to drop off my lunch!
Bad lighting at 9:45 pm (21:45) in a hospital hallway so the photo lighting is bad.  My parents thought it was hilarious how all the nurses had their pockets stuffed with supplies
 And because there's little to do if you're patients are actually asleep at 4 am (yay!)...I worked on my new signature for 10 minutes....then I stocked the med room....so I was still productive

And I found this imadeface app....so I had to try it
The Drakes!  Coming May 2013!
 And I may have had fun trying new hair styles on Taylor.....
He could rock this unicorn style
 And I'm really coming along on my embroidery!