Monday, December 23, 2013

In the evenings before Christmas

We saw 4 deer teenagers roaming around our complex one night

Baby Smaug enjoys snuggles in your hand.  This is what he looks like after you remove your cupped hand

Smaug and Taylor's nasty burn

Taylor enjoys practicing his surgeon skills while helping repair my blanket I made

Carlie, Seth, and Gpa Jim flew into town for Christmas

Making cookies

Mama star holding baby star…Taylor's idea

Our Christmas village we made from foam

Christmas parties

We tried taking a Christmas photo in front of our tree via camera timer on top of our geckos' cage.  Here's what you get.
Taylor's head cut off
That's better
Our Christmas letter photo with our duck nativity
And when we tried the same camera timer with our geckos out….hahahaha  Mango is just chillin' in Tay's pocket but Smaug jumped off me onto the ground.  Notice Taylor's burned hand wrap.
The above two in blue is before my work Christmas party and the below with Taylor's grey shirt are from Taylor's work party.

At Taylor's work party at the Grand America
With Parker and Lorien.  Taylor burned his hand on my curler right before we left. 
Life sized ginger bread house.  Taller than Taylor
In front of all the cute decorated windows

We've sure enjoyed all the snow too!
Fixing up a snowman the little kids next to us made.  We added the carrot and sun flower seeds.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Gecko lights

It's been cold and Smaug has been smart...
Cuddling up in Taylor's robe
 And we've been eating our homemade pizza and sparkling cider

Don't worry, Smaug didn't eat anything but bugs.  He's so healthy he finally shed well.
Look at all his colors!
Disregard the dishes in the background since the only good lighting we have at night is over the sink, and geckos are only awake to model at night.

We were so excited to see the lights at Thanksgiving point via horse drawn wagon!
Excited face

I just wasn't excited when Taylor put his U scarf around me after when we went to the grocery store

Some good things this week:

Daddy-daughter time on my day off while Taylor takes his finals

Santa cow and his dancing elf .

A shelf!  FINALLY A SHELF!  No more going to put contacts in only to knock them off the tiny towel rack.  Also, I love when Taylor cleans the bathroom for me especially since my back hurts.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas crafts

Since we decided to make the nativity, we've also done a few other crafts for our first Christmas being married.

Our ornament:
I made these little pieces out of clay to go into the clear ornament
Taylor painted them

Before the clay pieces were added, Taylor painted on Merry Christmas and we filled it with fake snow

Our snow globe
Filled with real snow!
The base Taylor made out of clay

Mostly painted by Taylor while I was at work :)

We're still working on the final touches.  We need to go buy glitter….