Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fuzzy wuzzy

Wednesday night instead of going to the gym I blasted Beethoven and did some ballet dance moves.
Here is my shadow.  See the ballet pose?  I don't know the legit names but it was super fun and quite a work out

Thursday night I got Thai food and a delicious cupcake with some friends

Friday I went to see na na na na na na na na..... Batman!  We waited in line for about 2 and a half hours.  But it was okay because I made my favorite dinner right before so my tummy was happy and ready to wait for a long time.
Ham and potato casserole
Saturday morning I did a service project where I stuffed bags full of papers with my friends Ahlin and Evan.
I also went for a nice 40 minute swim.  It's 108 degrees today so even though I put on tons of sunscreen I still got burned on my face and a little tan.

And I also realized I don't need a pet cat because I can buy a fluffy pillow to cuddle with it won't die on me when I have a long hospital shift.
In just 30 minutes I will be headed out to go wake boarding at this nifty place


Carlie said...

That wakeboard place looks awesome!

Joni Justice said...

Wow! That looks like a fun place to wake board! Have fun tonight! That fluffy pillow subbing for a cat was funny! Love you! Mom and Dad

Joni Justice said...

By the way, those dinners look good. Glad you got your favorite meal for a change! Love you! Mom