These are not the popsicles I am addicted too, but it's the most recent popsicle picture I have since usually when there is a popsicle around I eat it far to fast to have time to take a photo of it |
On Wednesday I took the NCLEX! I woke up refreshed and happy which was so nice since I'm not really a morning person when I first wake up. I felt so calm and peaceful the entire time and the whole 40 minutes I had to wait in line. The test was so much easier than I thought it was going to be! Maybe that is because I've studied so much for the last 7 months....When the test completed at question 75 I had to take a deep breath and say a prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Father even though all my actions were being recorded on a video.....hmmm....that was probably weird for the proctor to see someone fold their arms and bow their head during the test.
Wednesday night I went to Six Flags with Alexiss, Branden, Kyle, Shana, Laura, and Ed!
It was great fun.
Today I've just been relaxing and then Carlie, Seth, and I went to Desperados! This was after the incident with the guy who honked at me and pulled up to me and told me I was beautiful etc. I love Desperados.
Was the guy good looking? That takes guts to pull over to tell a girl she's hot. The video was scary! That is definitely the time to say you have a BIG boyfriend!!! Creep out for sure! Glad you enjoyed your Desperados! Did you like the CD cover of you? It looks fantastic! I have to make 20 more prints tomorrow so all the CDs have your awesomeness on the cover. Have a relaxing night! Love you! Mom
haha that video makes me laugh every time!
So glad you finally got to take the NCLEX! I'm also happy to hear it was easier than you anticipated.
p.s. That Popsicle news broke my heart.
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