Sunday, July 29, 2012

This is what goes down

My first time doing a biore strip on my nose!  My sister is soooo cool for letting me do it!

....and yes, it does hurt when you rip it off.  This smile left as I was taking it off

My favorite place to eat....Desperados~!  It was a sister dinner date after I got my first library card from Dallas!  I can finally go to the library and get books again!  3 months away was too long!
My broken sunglasses....sad  (The left side is missing)
But don't be too sad because sister-Carlie can fix them!

My cool friend Lacy fishtailed my hair while we watched the Olympics!

Hey Jude! Na na na naaaa. 

Laundry fail:  I was so aggravated while doing laundry I didn't think and ended up dying all my whites pink thanks to that lovely red dress I shoved in

Beethoven ,I love your music, especially to listen to as I cook

Tye-dye socks!!!!!

Applebee dinner date with Carlie!
Messing around at the geek dance with Lacy

Getting the crowd going with Valentina
Hi there, sexy

Church and FHE!


Carlie said...

Man I'm a great fix it woman! Ha ha

Joni Justice said...

Oh my gosh! Geek alert! Urkel has a blonde soul mate! You go Dance party girl! Aw! Your favorite sunglasses broke? I hope Carlie got them fixed for you! Fun to read about your crazy weekend! Love you! Mom and Dad

Joni Justice said...

By the way, take your tinted pink clothes and soak them in the washer, lid up, with a cup of bleach. It will brighten the whites again. Soak a few hours and after that, put the lid back down and finish with a regular cycle of wash.