My first time doing a biore strip on my nose! My sister is soooo cool for letting me do it!
....and yes, it does hurt when you rip it off. This smile left as I was taking it off
My favorite place to eat....Desperados~! It was a sister dinner date after I got my first library card from Dallas! I can finally go to the library and get books again! 3 months away was too long!
My broken sunglasses....sad (The left side is missing)
But don't be too sad because sister-Carlie can fix them!
My cool friend Lacy fishtailed my hair while we watched the Olympics!
Hey Jude! Na na na naaaa.
Laundry fail: I was so aggravated while doing laundry I didn't think and ended up dying all my whites pink thanks to that lovely red dress I shoved in
Beethoven ,I love your music, especially to listen to as I cook
Saturday night was so much fun going to Hydrous Wakeboarding. It's a small outdoor lake and you get off onto the water by sliding off a dock instead of sitting in the water.
Lacy and I are sooooo excited! And I'm soooo sunburned
This is the dock where you slide off into the water
Gosh I'm terrible at taking photos of my friends
So these are all pictures of me wake boarding around the lake
I was hurting extremely bad by the time I finished trying to wake board for 2 and a half hours. I face planted going around the corners so many times that I have bruises on my front side that were killing me at the end of the day and Sunday. I also gave myself a little bit of whiplash, tore skin off my hands from holding on so tight, did something to my shoulder, and tweaked my SI joint......but I'm feeling so much better today (Monday)! It was worth it!
Sunday I went to church and bruises made me almost skip both and just eat chocolate, but I figured I wasn't dying so I should go. I always have a nice time visiting my friends and talking about God.
Here's me relaxing with a pillow and Dove dark chocolate! MMM
Today I've been trying to write more of my songs down. It's so hard because the key signature is always changing!
This is when I need a piano that will write my music for me....except I don't think the computer-piano would understand it either since the key signature is constantly changing.....
Also, it was my favorite little girl's bday and it reminded me of the stories I write for her and her awesome stories that she now tells.
Wednesday night instead of going to the gym I blasted Beethoven and did some ballet dance moves.
Here is my shadow. See the ballet pose? I don't know the legit names but it was super fun and quite a work out
Thursday night I got Thai food and a delicious cupcake with some friends
Friday I went to see na na na na na na na na..... Batman! We waited in line for about 2 and a half hours. But it was okay because I made my favorite dinner right before so my tummy was happy and ready to wait for a long time.
Ham and potato casserole
Saturday morning I did a service project where I stuffed bags full of papers with my friends Ahlin and Evan.
I also went for a nice 40 minute swim. It's 108 degrees today so even though I put on tons of sunscreen I still got burned on my face and a little tan.
And I also realized I don't need a pet cat because I can buy a fluffy pillow to cuddle with it won't die on me when I have a long hospital shift.
In just 30 minutes I will be headed out to go wake boarding at this nifty place
Sunday night after FHE I watched Hitch with Evan. Favorite part:
Monday I took a nice little bubble bath and lounged around in my soft robe after taking a nature walk. Seth said I like to "luxuritize" myself. He is correct. Carlie and Seth's home is the Rasmussen Resort and Spa for me.
I played Kinect for the first time Monday night! It was delightful! I love dancing! Pretty sure I will always love getting my groove on even when I'm old.
Yeeeeah! My friends know how to shake it!
Tuesday was ahhh-mazing! I learned I passed the NCLEX! I'm an RN....Real nurse! Ahhhhhh!
I was home alone but I still managed to yell out loud: "Ahhh I passed! I passed! Woohoo! Ahhhh!"
Also, I saw Neon Trees tuesday night in concert! Ahhh! There was lots of screaming and dancing like a dork!
They are legit because their microphone stand lights up
The lead singer for Neon Trees was uber fun to watch because he was going crazy up on stage and dancing like a "fairy."
The band that played before Neon Trees was also good. Penguin Prison!
Seriously, it's like being back in the 80s with Penguin Prison.
I went to bed Tuesday night with my tie-dye socks on
Friday night was my first experience with a drive-in movie theater! It was so cool!
Valentina, me, Ahlin before the movie starts
Hollar! Nathan and I made a blanket fort in the back of the car but destroyed it before the movie started and sat in lawn chairs
Stole this photo from Ahlin. The bottom shows some of the people there
The movie advertisements were from the 60s!
And to make this night even of the wheels deflated so we had to change the tire
I was the awesome flashlight holder
We got home at 230 in the morning from the drive-in because they show 2 movies (Spiderman and MIB3) and don't start them until it's dark out (9:15).
Saturday morning I was super groggy and tired but had to wake up nice and early so I could go to Hurricane Harbor!
It is a sad day for popsicle addicts all over the world. This is in light of the new revelation that they are 30 calories each and not 15! I'm so sad. My hopes and dreams crushed. RIP Kelsey's wildest dreams.
These are not the popsicles I am addicted too, but it's the most recent popsicle picture I have since usually when there is a popsicle around I eat it far to fast to have time to take a photo of it
On a lighter note, I got told how beautiful I was on my way to the gym. It was a little creepy, a whole lot of confusing, and made me second guess walking and not driving to the gym. Haha! And yes, it is totally okay to lie and say you have a boyfriend sometimes! This incident reminded me of :
Yep, those things do happen in real life.
On Wednesday I took the NCLEX! I woke up refreshed and happy which was so nice since I'm not really a morning person when I first wake up. I felt so calm and peaceful the entire time and the whole 40 minutes I had to wait in line. The test was so much easier than I thought it was going to be! Maybe that is because I've studied so much for the last 7 months....When the test completed at question 75 I had to take a deep breath and say a prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Father even though all my actions were being recorded on a video.....hmmm....that was probably weird for the proctor to see someone fold their arms and bow their head during the test.
Wednesday night I went to Six Flags with Alexiss, Branden, Kyle, Shana, Laura, and Ed!
It was great fun.
Today I've just been relaxing and then Carlie, Seth, and I went to Desperados! This was after the incident with the guy who honked at me and pulled up to me and told me I was beautiful etc. I love Desperados.