Go to med school? Work as a nurse while going to med school? Go to med school in Utah or stay in Dallas and maybe take some pre-med classes here? I've always wanted to be a doctor. I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom. I want both. I just don't want debt. The family joke and my friends parents always say to me: "Kelsey, why marry a doctor when you can be a doctor?" But do I like bedside nursing too much to be a doctor? So many things up in the air......What do I really love? Do I feel like nursing is settling for me? But what about doing the nurse practitioner program.....same abilities of a doctor but less pay. I wish I just knew what my life will be in five years. I feel like I keep hearing about ladies who are nurses that didn't marry until they were 30 and I think, crap, that's going to be me! Those ladies always say they wish they would've done med school instead of nurse practitioner....What if I end up like that? I always tell myself no regrets. I go for things because I don't want any regrets.
No regrets.
Wow! Kelsey! This is exactly what we were talking about tonight! I had no idea you were thinking the same thing I was thinking all along. I just say, "Go for it!" You have been blessed with the brains and the skills and the compassion to be an amazing doctor! It has always been your dream! I have always been aware of your Patriarchal Blessing that seems to indicate you may be older when you marry. You can find great joy in being a doctor and eventually a mother when the time is right. You can do both! Dad and I would love seeing you back here in Utah as well. We can help you achieve your dreams. I agree...no regrets and no settling. You certainly have our support and we can help you become whatever you want to be. We can all fast about it this Sunday too. We will support you and help you whatever you decide. Love you forever, love you for always! Mom and Dad
You are smart enough and have the ability to do whatever you want to do career wise. I think you would make a great doctor. I think you could do it and still be a stay-at-home too. One of the doctors I have here is a dermatologist and she works a couple days a week. Each visit is only like 15 minutes and costs 300 bucks! So I'd rather go to you! haha Well I don't pay the 300 outta pocket because insurance covers some of that.
Woah! That would be so cool to have Kelsey as our doctor! ha ha I wouldn't even have to go to the hospital because she could do home visits! How cool is that? Kelsey already has done some diagnosing for me. Just recently she said I had salmonella poisoning and she was right. I googled it and she had it right on! Amazing! How convenient too! I didn't have to go to the ER because she could tell me what I had and how to get through it. Awesome! That's one hot doc! :) Love ya! Mom
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