Thursday, May 3, 2012


I feel like I must blog again for the sake of my mother.  She likes me blogs.  <--haha, so instead of writing "she likes my blogs," I accidentally wrote "me."  I won't change it because it makes me sound like a pirate.  Argh, matey!

I thought perhaps I should put up some pictures of my new room.  It's really messy and I feel frazzled, but I still don't really know where to put everything yet.
I love my LBF....little black fan.  Play off of little black dress LBD.  It worked so well last night I didn't wake up until I wanted to.  However, I had a weird dream and woke up at dawn.  Sometimes, my dreams are really weird and I'm glad I mostly can't remember them.  Really, there's a crowd of my facebook friends in a building and I can only save one?  That's terrible.  The nurse inside me is so conflicted.

You can see my NCLEX study materials in the picture as well.  I didn't study yesterday though because it was kinda an annoying day so I just wanted to relax.

Here's why it was annoying:  1) My cute tan shoes got orange junk on them from who knows what. 2) I got cat-called by a bunch of disgusting construction workers.  PS NO-I don't like being cat-called; YES-I will ignore you; MAYBE-I will flip you off. And 3) after a long day of grocery shopping all the groceries fell out of my car.  Tomatoes EVERYWHERE!

It really wasn't that bad of a day, I just wanted to be dramatic on my blog and find an excuse to not study.  The cat-calling was the worse and it made me really mad and feel disgusted.  I have pepper spray and really want to use it on people sometimes....

Also,when I finally got back to the apartment there was all these workers making holes in Carlie's dining room wall.
After they leave I clean up everything.  I'm sure we are the only apartment they come to everyday where they can see all the fresh new vacuum lines each time in their work area...


Carlie said...

We are probably also the only apartment that's really clean when they come too! I can't wait for them to be done!!

Joni Justice said...

ha ha That was such a funny blog!! You always make me laugh! What to go Matey! ha ha By the way, cat calling is a great compliment...I used to love getting the whistles and the attention. You are a beautiful blonde and some people are just more vocal in their appreciation of your beauty. ha ha I'm glad you and Carlie know how to keep a clean house. It helps you stay calm and peaceful when things are orderly and clean. You should take a pic of your bed and the desk too. You only showed your dresser area. I think your bed is pretty! That green and black go well together. I guess you already know I like green and black...check out my house! ha ha Green carpet! Well, I think it's soothing and pretty. Hope you have a great day! I love reading your blogs and getting a feel for what you are doing and stuff. I miss you, but I love that you are there for Carlie. I just know you are gonna have a wonderful time in Texas and find your true love. Enjoy the journey! Enjoy your new friends! We will see you in less than a week! Love you! Mom