Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mi quatro y cinco de mayo

Yesterday I went top golfing.  Golfing is so different than any sport I've ever played before.  It was hard to learn the correct swing.  But before I left I made manicotti and corn.  It was divine by the way.
After Top Golf, I went to our stake singles' dance.  It was pretty least I danced pretty crazy.  I drove there with my new friends Ross and Edward.  I was surprised who was there.  A lot of younger people (college, pre-college) and then everyone who was older (done with college, have real jobs) was from my ward.  So anyways, I had a lot of fun dancing with Kamera (girl from my ward), some boys from AZ who are here for the summer in my ward, Talbot (randomly saw him!), and some of my other ward friends.  I highly enjoyed myself and made one of my new found guy friends from my ward do a handstand push up.  Yeah, I can be persuasive.....

This morning I went and had brunch with some other friends in the ward.  Danelle is a nurse practitioner and my other friend Mike who was at Top Golf was there and Edward again.  Plus some other people that I just met who are nice.

It's kinda fun to actually have fun now that school is over!  I'm so tired from last night though!  I was so hyped up from the dance I couldn't sleep for hours!

2 am.......Still wasn't sleeping, haha.


Joni Justice said...

That was pretty funny! Sounds like a great weekend though! I bet you are a natural at golf. I only did it once a few years ago in Wyoming at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I was surprised how easily I picked it up and did rather well. Did you like it? Who did the hand stand push up? Was it Ross, Edward, or Talbot? Is Edward a working man, or is he still in school? Ross reminds me of Grandpa Paul...he loves sports car and had a Porsche when I was little. Do you think Ross is fun to hang around with? You got to be pretty strong to do a handstand push up! Somebody has some guns on him! That is funny you thought to take a pic of the clock at 2:08 am! Too funny! All the food looks delicious! I'm glad you remembered to add an egg to the manicotti. I know Carlie and Seth are enjoying all the good food too! It sure was fun doing all that baking and cooking with you when you were home. You are quite the little chef! Glad you're having so much fun! Love you! Mom

Carlie said...

I am so glad you have such fun new friends here! You are a party animal!

Also, that manicotti you made was stinkin' delicious!