Saturday, May 19, 2012


Being is really hard.  I'm so use to being busy and not having much time to think.  Now, I have way too much time on my hands to think.  These thinking escapades lead me to being homesick.

Oh W children, I miss your sweet faces.  I miss you yelling down the neighborhood street:  "Kelsey!  Don't forget!  I LOVE YOOOUUUU!"


I wish I could take the NCLEX already.  I want to scream down the street:  "NCLEX!  Let me take you so I can DEFEAT YOOOUUUU!"

I am coming for you.

Authorization to test, why haven't you come in the mail or email yet?  You frustrate me.  Are you just afraid I will cream the NCLEX?  You should be afraid.  I'm a genius. 

E=M C(squared)

Nursing jobs, why can't you just accept me already?  Don't you know I'm going to be an awesome nurse?

Frustrated, yeah, I'm real annoyed.
I just can't seem to get employed.
Why won't you give me a job?
Don't you know that I am the bomb?

Not gonna lie, I'm so glad yesterday was my first nursing job interview.  It's nice to have that milestone out of the way.

Where is the Wormian bone?

I'm sooooooooooo bored.


Carlie said...

You are going to make an awesome nurse! You'll find something soon I'm sure!

Joni Justice said...

You will be pretty busy soon! I'm sure a great job will pan out and you will be on the move soon. The W kids really miss you too! You will see them in a month! It will be here before you know it! I'm still very sick. I have such bad cramps from food poisoning and I ache all over. I've been throwing up all day and night. This morning the nausea is finally gone. I wish you were here to take care of me. You will be an awesome nurse! Love you! Mom