Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Alaska Part 2: Otters, Whales, Seals, Puffins, Salmon, Burgers, Kayaking

Sunday July 24th
Taylor and I took a ship out of the Seward harbor to explore the Kenai Fjord.
A cute little otter waved us off.

It was a cold day, but the fog held off so we could see the mountains as we went through the Kenai Fjord.

We also go to see lots of glaciers!
Bear Glacier

And there were so many humpback whales playing in the water near by us!

And we got to drive up half a mile away to Aialik Glacier! It was huge! We heard it calve and saw all the ice fall off into the ocean.

The ice burgs were really interesting to see!

There were a bunch of cute seals hanging out on top of them!

I didn't take this picture...but this is how cute they are!

When we came back, we went to go see the salmon jumping in Bear Creek.

And Taylor enjoyed an elk burger from Red's Burgers, while I enjoyed a caribou burger.

Then we took a stroll down the historic Iditarod Trail after Taylor stopped at a store to buy an Inuit YoYo

Monday July 25th
Was a constant raining and foggy day.
Can't really see the mountains anymore!

We went kayaking around Fox Island in the 57 degree weather!
Luckily, we prepared well and had waterproof jackets and waterproof coats. Also, I was thankful for our baseball caps so we didn't have water constantly dribbling down our faces.

Happy faces because even though we soaked through our waterproof coats and pants. We got 10 feet away from puffins, and touched purple and orange star fish.

Just wan FYI. This is a puffin.

This is a puffin running on the water. They do it to get away from boats or predators. We chased them in the kayak to get them to run away. You could hear their feet go pitter patter on the water. haha!

The fog and rain made it mystical.

We kayaked a total of 8-10 miles. Saw 8 bald eagles, beautiful waterfalls, and the funny pigeon gilmon and puffins run across the water to fly.

To warm up we went to the Alaska Sea Life Center and got to play with the harbor seals and get even closer to the funny little puffins!
These star fish were all found and rescued from Resurrection Bay. They were probably below us while we were kayaking!

And this anemone was so cool! I can't believe we kayaked right over these things!
Getting up close and personal with the cutest bird around.

"Oh, me? You're too sweet!"
Then the funniest seal saw me and decided to play tag the hand with me. Taylor also got a chance to play! We probably played with the seals for 30 minutes.

Tuesday July 26th we took the scenic road to Anchorage.
There was a salmon viewing stop that Taylor almost passed, but I thought would be really cool to see.
There were so many Red salmon!

So close....

Portage Glacier

Portage glacier and iceberg

Mountain Man Tay just loves his glaciers.
We stopped at the Alaska Native Heritage Center.
One of the boys showed the sport that the Inuit people liked to do.

And we also saw the different type of homes that each nation built.

And it was also really cool to see the different dances be performed!


Joni Justice said...

Great blog about your adventures in Alaska! Looks so fun! Looking forward to Dad and me going soon! Love you guys! Mom

Unknown said...

You guys had such an amazing Alaskan adventure!! You will remember that always! You’re so cute together and take such good care of each other!
Love you both!!
Mom Drake

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your pictures. I especially loved the bird. Love, dad