Monday, May 12, 2014

Our late April projects

Taylor wrote me a new song!
This is us singing it in the car
We re-did a ugly wood toy box from a neighbor (Unfortunately, I forgot a before picture).
We had to sand it and paint it. All our neighbors were amazed at how great it looked after we were through.

Made a cactus garden


Joni Justice said...

Wow! That coffee table looks sharp! Now you can rest your feet up too! I love the cactus plants too. I am thinking we could all live in Arizona! No tornadoes or earthquakes there with plenty of sun and beautiful cactus! You make your place so homey! Fun to see a blog from you again! I bet you are really busy tomorrow getting things done after partying all week! Looks like you had a blast singing Taylor's new song! Love it! Love YOU! Mom

Carlie said...

Awesome coffee table!