Thursday, December 13, 2012

La Vida Bonita

!Yo quiero mi novio las besa ahora aqui!

Haha, who knows what I said?  I've been speaking Spanish with my patients at the hospital so much lately.  I can comprende un poco and no mas.  Sometimes it really frustrating.  Especially when I give medicinas the patients haven't gotten before and don't know how to describe in my lousy Spanglish what the medicina does.  My goal is to get better.

My feet hurt so bad right now.  I worked four 12 shifts close together:  Sat, Mon, Tues, and Wed.  The shifts usually are 13 hours.  Tues and Wed were nuts!  Luckily, my Mom packed my lunch and put in a little snacky snack.....Cupcakes!
Tuesday's treat (Notice my super chapped hands? Yep, having C Diff patients will do that to you)
Today's velvet cupcake that matched my red velvet scrubs.
Best part of the past few days?
Spending time with this guy....who wears super bright colored shirts.  And yes, this one says SHINE.  The lime green truly shined.


Carlie said...

You may become fluent in Spanish after a couple years! What is a c diff patient?

Joni Justice said...

Your Spanish is decent and it will get better. I'm glad you loved the cupcakes! They do look and taste delish! Love ya! Mom