Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween and Spiders

We started off the Halloween celebrations with Scouts.
Taylor bought face paint and painted his face like a skeleton and mine with a spider and web!
 Then we had the boys learn how to make a coal fire and they roasted marshmallows and pizza!

Taylor got a new pet!

Whook at those whittle eyes!
"Hello! Do you like my green teeth?"

We put out all the pumpkins we grew in our garden:

Tannin decided to make some pumpkin cookies!

But she dyed the frosting pink instead of orange b/c she thinks she's getting a little sister and wanted to make a point...lizards...

And because we don't have Halloween sprinkles, we used our Christmas sprinkles!
So halloween, valentine, christmas cookie?
 On Halloween day, Taylor repainted my face and I went to work as a "black widow"

All my cute work friends.

And Taylor painted his face all creepy for his Halloween work party.

We had fun passing out candy to trick or treaters who came by!
Taylor had to redo his face to be Two Faced from batman since his previous makeup had to come off so he could practice French horn. (#bandgeek...)

And Tannin didn't want to trick or treat, so she just got veggies!

1 comment:

Joni Justice said...

Wow! Those creepy painted faces were really scary! Taylor is so good at it! What creative talents you guys have! I thought it was funny that Tannin wants a baby sister! Ha ha! So funny! I love your blogs! Thanks for the Halloween treat! Can't wait to to see you guys in less than 2 days! Gender reveal tomorrow!!! How exciting!! Love you guys! Mom