We had fun going to Taylor's friend's wedding at the SLC temple.
And because I didn't have my selfie stick, instead we just took two pictures of us that we can kinda mesh together:
Also, in kitchen news...I discovered shallots!
I used them with every meal I made this week... |
And we finally got to hiking the Red Butte Mountain trail to the top again. We even saw a gopher snake!
Taylor showed me where he works with the Refugees at the Catholic Community Services in SLC.
And we had an epic campout for all the Cub Scouts in Millcreek Canyon.
Unfortunately, it was a downpour of rain.
Unfortunately again, someone took our reserved spot.
Fortunately, because of the rain, there were a lot of other available sites.
Fortunately again, our new site was a lot cooler for the boys.
So...it equals out.
Luckily we thought to bring our tarp so the boys would have some shelter from the rain! |
Taylor did such a good job getting the new campsite set up while the boys played around. And he was so muddy! He was pretty much muddy for the rest of the day!
Washing the mud from his hands by using nature's faucet...the rain falling off the tarp! |
When life gets you wet and drenched: Model pic. |
Then we taught all the boys how to build a fire and start a fire.
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Notice the little boy wearing Taylor's jacket. That's why Taylor didn't have a jacket after the first 3 minutes of getting to the canyon. A boy started to get wet and shiver. |
They also had fun learning how to make a fire burn bright, or make a fire really smokey in-case they got lost.
They also thought it was awesome to "murder" the fire my pouring a ton of river water onto it.
We went on a couple of hikes with the boys. Luckily, the rain let up after lunch so the boys didn't get too cold.
The boys also had fun skipping stones and throwing rocks into the river.
And I had a good time getting to see Taylor werkk it!
He dressed me up to be with him! |
I got to observe a DSAEK processing procedure. It was cool!
Sounds like several fun adventures for both of you. Keep enjoying your time together. Love, Dad
Looks like a great weekend!
Your title is catchy and clever! What a lot of fun stuff you did! The wedding day pics are gorgeous! The scout adventure looks fun too! Taylor is so thoughtful to give his coat. It looks cold and messy but fun! Those boys will always remember their fun Webelos leaders! That's cool you got to see Taylor's work doing eye surgeries. Gives you a glimpse into his promising future. Very interesting! He was born for this, hot doc and all with his beautiful nurse wife at his side! You guys are an awesome combo! Nothing you can't do together! Love you both! Mom <3
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