Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Drake Lately

I finished our Cali Video:
This is the program where I create the movie.

We've been having fun at Scouts!  We had a Pinewood Derby:
The boys working on their car.

One of the boys really loves otters and asked Taylor to draw him one of his car.  (Taylor tried to get the boy to do it, but he wanted Taylor to outline it and then he painted in the lines.)  Pretty dang cute!  He called it the Golden Otter.

And we taught the boys how to use flint and steel
This photo cracks me up.

This boy was really into it too!  It's always cute to see their excited faces and then they ask "Did you get the sparks in the photo?!?"

We've also had fun making lots of colorful food to make up for the dreary days.

We also sold our elliptical (because I still haven't been able to use it with my knees, and if we move it's too huge to take somewhere), so Tannin enjoyed one last run on it before the buyers came.
"I'm so fit!"

And there was a day at work where I got soaked in blood while putting in an IV.  Luckily we had extra scrub pants in the closet and I got some OR socks.  That was my first experience ever getting so much blood on me (usually it's just a drop or two that I can get out easily).
I thought it was funny I was wearing so many colors!  The blood went all the way down my leg into my shoe!  It was also more terrible because it was my first patient that morning, AND the patient was a brand new one...So...it only gets better from there, right?
And because it's almost Valentine's Day....
"Iguana love you forever!"


Joni Justice said...

I love your videos and photos! What a fun trip! The scouts look like they had tons of fun with the pinewood derby. That painted car looks awesome! Lucky kids! We are excited to see you tomorrow for a ham dinner! I made the chocolate cake and orange jello today. Can't wait! Have a great weekend! Love you! Mom

Unknown said...

The tacos look great. By the way you he video did not play. Love you. Dad