Friday, August 8, 2014

Family Nights

For FHE, Taylor took me to the Church History Museum.

Death Masks of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith. Tay's being a death mask too!

76 pound scriptures can easily be lifted with180 pounds of righteous! *Surfer voice*
 Tannin loves to watch us.  He ran up to the door when I passed wanting to be held.  

Thursday night was Paul McCartney's concert.  We went to Crown Burger.
And..we found a cure for my lactose intolerance.  Lactase Enzyme pill!!
First taste of ice cream in months! I look so happy...and pretty, and cute, and hot, and beautiful.

 Tay before the Concert.

We wish this was our view, but it was actually the luck of Taylor's parents.  They got 3 free front row tickets.  
And Paul threw DeMarie a rose.

1 comment:

Joni Justice said...

How the heck did they get free tickets on the front row?! I thought Taylor was the favorite child. Why did DeMarie get it? :) How lucky! I love The Beatles and Paul McCarthy music. That must have been a fun night! You should post some of your videos onto your blog so you can remember it in the future. That Church History Museum looks interesting. I didn't know we had one here. Tannin is so cute! He really is smart and has personality! That really surprises me. I didn't know they could think like that. I still can't get over how he has a leash to go outside. That is one lucky little fella! I am glad you found a way to eat dairy again. I'll have to make you some enchiladas again! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Have a fun weekend! Love ya!