Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lizard love

We've been taking Tannin on walks every day with the new lizard leash we got him.

The first time we put the leash on him...this is his look of thorough embarrassment.

Such a tiny speck on the sidewalk!

 And he found the best place to run to when little kids come past.....but he's learned you can never escape big kid Taylor...

This is Tannin's cool pose as he goes for a stroll in his leather vest....ehh Fanzi!
Look at that silly hand pose!
And this is Taylor's cool pose ...

Maybe we share the love for lizards so much because we're 8th cousins once removed?

But not that close because Taylor thinks this is organized:
Mmm...no.  But at least he made me yummy zucchini quiche!
But maybe that's just my triple checking^2 charge RN issues coming out...But I feel so cool because I've created so many documents and schedules at work!  I feel so good to have completed so many projects!


Joni Justice said...

ha ha! You are too funny! That was fun to see Tannin decked out in his leather leash like The Fonz! ha ha I love how you tease Taylor about being organized! No one can touch you on that! Fun pics! Way to go on your projects! See you in a couple days! Can't wait! Love ya! Mom

Carlie said...

That was a clever post!