Sunday, March 16, 2014

Texas Trippin

Last friday I came home to a sweet love note on our new dishwasher: home-made magnets! 

We left Saturday early afternoon to TX to see all the sights. Mom forgot her purse 
First time on the plane together since HS!

I had fun making my sister a new home present for her bedroom wall

 Taylor had fun with all the wild ducks and squirrels

 I had to lay on my back with my legs up as often as I could and Taylor joined me
I have quite a few pictures like this...

 We visited SMU 
Lover's Lane lovers

We visited Carlie classroom

 IFly! I was the picture/video taker and ring wearer


Carlie said...

The rings picture cracks me up!

Joni Justice said...

You definitely got the bling girl! ha ha You are my daughter for sure! That was such a fun time together! I am so glad we all could be there this time! I am sorry you missed the iFly sky diving! You would have loved it! I guess you can try it out in Ogden when your back gets better. I am so glad you and Taylor could take some days off to spend with us. It was a super fun week! Love you! Mom