Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas time in the city

We have been counting down to Christmas Taylor's favorite way.
Our favorite part is comparing the chocolate pictures and who got a better picture.  Unfortunately, these were on our stove and melted when I made dinner.  But we have since put them in the freezer and most chocolates have remolded to their original shapes.
We've had lots of snow.
And Taylor loves sliding in it!
And writing me messages in it before getting the snow off our cars.

Inside our igloo car.
 We went on a walk in the neighborhood across the street in 6 inches of snow.
Taylor doesn't have snow boots, so occasionally I'd try to walk in front so he could step in my prints and not get his ankles and toes frozen….it didn't last long because he "couldn't hold my hand."
We followed a star and found it up high in a huge pine tree.

We went to Temple Square and downtown SLC to see the lights
And Taylor threw snow on himself

We walked here last year when we were dating and revisited the place.
And it was seriously cold.

The real meaning of Christmas
Again, it was seriously cold.
Taylor went window shopping
This is the present he left me.

1 comment:

Joni Justice said...

Looks like a winter wonderland! I love the pics! We are going to look at the Temple Lights when everyone is here for Christmas too. Did you get some hot chocolate? Remember how we did that last time, and how we always did that in Rocklin at that neighborhood with all the lights? I love how Taylor leaves you gifts and notes! The heart on your Jeep is adorable! I <3 you too! Mom