Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas crafts

Since we decided to make the nativity, we've also done a few other crafts for our first Christmas being married.

Our ornament:
I made these little pieces out of clay to go into the clear ornament
Taylor painted them

Before the clay pieces were added, Taylor painted on Merry Christmas and we filled it with fake snow

Our snow globe
Filled with real snow!
The base Taylor made out of clay

Mostly painted by Taylor while I was at work :)

We're still working on the final touches.  We need to go buy glitter….


Joni Justice said...

You guys are so creative! The angel kind of looks like a ghost with that face painted on it though! ha ha Maybe you can take that off! What is the last pic? It looks like a mason jar lid inside so I am curious what the finished craft is going to be. You guys sure have a lot of artistic and creative talents! Love you! Mom

Joni Justice said...

Oh I get it! You are going to keep your 1st Christmas snow inside the jar. You are decorating the lid! Cool! That's fun! Love you! Mom