Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our Wedding

The day before the wedding we shared a special time in the The House of the Lord

May Eleventh was our wedding day:
Driving to our luncheon before our wedding
Coming out of the Salt Lake Temple where we got married

Cutting our cake!


Joni Justice said...

So happy you got married in the Salt Lake Temple! What a great tribute and legacy to your G G G G Grandpa Brigham Young! "You done good!" :) That was a beautiful day! So grateful I could be your escort as you took out your endowments Friday in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple as well. You are such a faithful and wonderful young lady! I am so blessed to be your mother. You have never disappointed me or Dad. You are such a joy and such a delightful person in every way. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are! Can't wait to see the pics our photographer Sarah took too on your wedding day! I love when you post pics! I liked the ones Grandpa Paul sent too! A picture is worth a thousand words! Love you! Mom

Carlie said...

That was such a nice wedding! I'm glad you and Taylor are married!

Karen said...

Beautiful pictures Kelsey. I enjoyed celebrating your day with you. It was a wonderful day. Especially the delay in the I'll always remember your wedding day!