Monday, February 4, 2013

Red and Blue

Taylor had to prove to me that he could totally pull off colored pants
Okay, hottie, you can totally pull off colored pants

We went to Provo to visit some friends Saturday night

We did so good coordinating our colors this Sunday for church

And then we came home and....well...
BYU verse U of U.  His only fault is loving Utah University.   I think he felt bad wearing so much blue earlier and going to BYU Provo the night before with me
Lunch date with Mama!  Gettin' our icecream on before we go shoe shopping


Joni Justice said...

You two totally rocked the matching outfit! So beautiful! It was a fun day going out to lunch with you, getting ice cream, and buying so many cute shoes! Your wedding shoes are too cute! You are going to be such a beautiful bride! Love ya! Mom

Carlie said...

I love that blue dress and your wedding shoes.