Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meteor Shower and Moonrise

And now, some more about babysitting...

Hanging contests!  I won the hanging-by-the-knees contest! Sav won against all the boys!
JD, Pax, Sav, Will
Sweet little JD
 And bike rides!

And sponge dinosaur growing capsules!

Ah, such fascination for the kiddies and Ah, such sweet respite from noise for the babysitter
Until...balloon sword fighting!

 And I taught Savannah how to make balloon dogs!  She made the tail of hers poofy at the end like a poodle!

And some cool news:  I SAW TWO METEORS!  They were huge and bright!  It was sooo cool!  Taylor and I were walking behind my house Sunday night by the ditch.  We had sat down on a wooden bridge, he was playing the yukelele, we looked up and WOAH!  Super awesome.
We also saw a cool moon rise the next night on our walk.
Over the mountains!
Halloween day, Mom and I went around getting stuff to give to some friends and people at the hospital in Murray.  My Mom is basically Mother Theresa.  I had to restrain her from giving them the shirt off her back. Nudity at a hospital it not looked on kindly, my dear Momma-san Theresa.
Outside the hospital with our bags of goods
Halloween night Taylor and I went to a U of U Institute dance party!
I think this picture is great, however, Momma-san Theresa took it and therefore it is also blurry
The nurse and the surgeon!


Carlie said...

Too bad the pictures blurry. The bottom most one isn't too blurry though. Did you have fun?
Also mom is very giving! I can see her trying to literally give the shirt off her back! :)

Ashley said...

That is so sweet about you and your mom. I need to be more that way.

Love a good balloon sword fight :-)

Joni Justice said...

Those kids sure have fun with you! You really do rival Mary Poppins! You are so awesome! The kiddies sure are cute too! I love the pics that tell the story of all the adventures they do with you! I didn't even know you know how to make balloon there anything you can't do?! I love you and Taylors costumes! Sorry I forgot to take a pic of the kiddies on Halloween when they came to show you their costumes. Glad I could attempt (considering they were blurry)to photo you and Taylor for the Halloween dance. I think you guys make a cute couple...he's even cuter when I see him as a surgeon...yeah baby! Hot Doc! I've always wanted one in the family! And you are always rocking it as the best nurse evah!! Doing the clothes drive and buying all those clothes for Harry and Netty and all her friends was a ton of fun! Netty said several people already are wearing the clothes and love it! Harry's stuff fit perfectly...even the underwear and t-shirts. I hope he feels love each time he wraps himself up the warm sweatsuit and pajamas. I hope it feels like a hug! He and another woman got on the phone and thanked us. They loved trick-or-treating with the huge bowl of candy too. Netty is saving the bowl we gave for us to use again for Christmas. We'll probably want to buy more of the art supplies, candy, scarves, gloves, and hats so they can enjoy going outside for their daily walks and smoke breaks. Thanks for doing all that shopping and delivering with me. That makes all of us happy! Can't wait to see what unfolds for you in November! Please keep us posted...I love your funny blogs and cute pics! Love you Sunshine Girl! Mom