Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm so hottt

I dub today to be Kelsey's Day.  Mostly because it's been so hot at night for the past 2 weeks that I have a hard time sleeping.  Also, because I applied for even more jobs and haven't been rejected....yet.  Time to bring on the victory popsicles!
I would eat the popsicles even if I failed though, because, come's sooooooo hot.
It's been a really nice week for myself.  Went on a nature walk.  Saw a rainbow in the fountain.  Got Sam's Club pizza with Carlie.  Got a cupcake.  Got a nice note from Carlie and Seth.  Went to the temple and got fro-yo with my friends last night (no picture).


Oh, and I made some frozen pizza for myself tonight because on Kelsey's Day, you have to eat pizza for a meal.

I can't believe it's already August.  I've been in Dallas for 3 months!  I miss my parents a lot and my best friends back in Utah.  And I super miss the little W kids always telling me how awesome I am and how they want me to be their older sister so I would HAVE to babysit EVERY day.  Presh.  :)


Carlie said...

I miss you so so so soooooooo MUCH!

Joni Justice said...

Cute blog! You are too funny! AND you're hot in more ways than one! Love ya! Mom

Joni Justice said...

ha ha You still have some victory popsicles? We will be there in a few hours and I will need them to cool off! Texas is too hot!!! Love you! Mom