Monday, June 18, 2012


I just can't wait until next week!  When I get more of this:
Face painting always led to body painting with these boys
Holla at me homies
Alien pinata we made and broke!
Smile of joy
Feeding the fish our toes
JD riding a pink duck
JD and Princess Peach.....JD and his balloons... :)
Painting all our face gold to sing along to J Beibs

 And some videos of when the boys were almost 3


Carlie said...

Awww! So excited to see them!

Joni Justice said...

Aww! Those were cute pics and videos! Such cute kids! I know they can hardly wait for you, Carlie, and Seth to come! I'm sure they are asking every day, "When will they be here?" So glad you can stay extra days to get your fill of the little guys! Love ya! Mom