Thursday, March 22, 2012

Positive Affirmation

Look in the mirror.  Look into your eyes.  Your beautiful eyes.  Now ask yourself:  who are you?
You are successful.
You are smart.
People enjoy your company.
You are strong.
You are beautiful.
You are fun.
You are doing great things.
You make a difference.
You are blessed.
You will achieve all the righteous desires of you heart.

This is an example of positive affirmation.  There's power when you tell yourself you are good at something and when you tell yourself you can accomplish a task.  Never let someone tell you that you can't do something; it's only because they can't, so show them it IS humanly possible!  After all, you rock.

Did you know that there are different types of self-affirmation  and they each produce different effects?  Affirming personally important values (value affirmation) increases self-clarity.  Affirming positive qualities of the self (attribute affirmation) increases self-esteem. When these two different types of self affirmation were compared, it was found that attribute affirmation (increasing self-esteem) is more effective as a buffer against self-depreciating social comparison information.  And value affirmation (increasing self-clarity) is a more effective buffer against dissonance threats.
(Stapel, D.A.  (2011).  What drives self-affirmation effects?  On the importance of differentiating value affirmation and attribute affirmation.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (1), 34-45.)

Soo.... What does this mean?  It means that the technique you use depends on your situation!

Let's practice!

You're  a new nurse on the floor, you witness another nurse talking smack about a patient and how they are pressing their call light too much.  In this scenario, what will help you best meet this situation when it falls onto you to stand up for what you believe?  VALUE AFFIRMATION
I will be a excellent nurse.
I will treat my patients with kindness.
All human beings are children of God and deserve to be treated as such.
I have patience and long-suffering towards my fellow man.....

Next situation!

You are invited to a dance party and are unsure of your newest dance moves.  You practice in front of the mirror and start to feel like everyone at the party will end up laughing at your expense.  What do you do?  ATTRIBUTE AFFIRMATION!
I am an awesome dancer.
I can move like jello.
Look at my chicken legs go!
Nobody can do the grocery cart like me!

It works.  I often will say the above about my dancing skills.  I just repeat what I told you and WHAM!  Instant diva!  I'm like a fly whamma jamma in minutes.

Take charge of your life by using positive affirmation!  Whether you need to use value affirmation or attribute affirmation, I believe you will succeed.  You.  Are.  Magnificent.

I wear this star ring because growing up my Mom always told me that I was her shining star.  That was definitely positive affirmation given to me by my mummy dearest!


Joni Justice said...

You are a star shining brightly, and girl, you got it! I can tell you do these positive affirmations because you rock! That was interesting to see how you use it. It works! Love you Sunshine Girl! Mom

Carlie said...

That is a good little post! My favorite line was that you can move like jello. haha =)

Joni Justice said...

That mirror post is worth repeating every day, and I like how you said, never let someone tell you that you can't do something--maybe THEY can't--but you go on and do it anyway! I enjoy reading your blog posts more than once, as you can see! :) xo