Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Of Food and Backyards

 Tannin has been enjoying the backyard!
And these are HER apricots!


1 little, 2 little, 3 little apricots! 4 little, 5 little, 6 little apricots!

 We've also been enjoying the perks of having a backyard!
Grilling up some fish and pepper/apple chips on the barbie!

 The respective plates as we ate sitting on the hammock.
Flounder marinated in olive oil, lime, and chili pepper!

And we finally figured out how to reach those really ripe and ready apricots!
 Yard work in a suit...

And Taylor and I have been having fun "chef-ing" it up in the kitchen with new recipes!

 This was our cordon bleu with almond cheese and roccoli!
Rolllll it!
Pin it!

Mark it with papri....ka!

Then put it in the oven for Taytay and me!

And look at our growing squash garden!
Yes, there were many apricot pits from bygone years. No, I did not get them all.

Totally a pumpkin!

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Tannin has been on the hunt to find new places to enjoy.
 Her most favorite hang out spots have windows.  So I put her up next to the window and opened the blinds for her to look out since we don't have windows that reach the floor.  She decided to jump onto the ledge, so I closed the blinds and let her sit on the ledge for a while. I was hoping the blinds could act as a buffer so she didn't jump off the ledge and onto the tile floor.
Looking thru the blinds at Tannin enjoying the view.  This is her happy face, FYI.

Dat tail is just too long!


And I was trying to be nice a couple days later while I was just talking on the phone so I put her on the ledge and just watched her.  Luckily, I was only 2 feet away because she tried to jump THROUGH the blinds!
"Mama help--I stuck!"
So we'll find a new little place she can be safely...

Work has been really busy!  I crunched some numbers and found out we've increased our patient load by 11% in comparison to last year! It totally makes sense why I feel like I'm constantly hiring more RNs...haha! I also came up with a quarterly clinic newsletter for my work and I couldn't get it to print so I had to rush to Taylor's work and have him print a copy for me...
Such a sweetie!

We enjoyed hiking in Little Cottonwood Canyon this week.

Unfortunately, we went to hike Albion or Cecret Lake and both parking lots were excessively full (on a weekday night!), so we just found our own hike to do.

July in the mountains is wildflower month and I just love it!

We managed to teach 2 of our Webelos about pocket knifes, saws, and axes without anyone cutting off their fingers and toes slash our fingers and toes.

And Taylor and I have been part of the mob that joined up for Pokemon Go!
I caught one on my computer desk!

And slowly and surely we are trying to improve the home.  So today I spent and hour and half weeding the garden bed while Tannin just sat and watched me.

No, she did not offer her assistance...
 And done!...for today because it's super hot!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The First Week in Our New Home

Packing up, moving, and unpacking has got Taylor and I feeling like this...

Although, Tannin feels like she's queen of the boxes!

Taylor and I enjoyed our last meals at our old apartment on the floor, compliments of the freezer and microwave.

Our first time in our new place was Friday July 1st in the evening, and we both had to work late.  So we showed up, got the keys, and then ate another a meal a la microwave.

And when you have all your silverware got to be creative!
Use it to eat you meal, and then clean your teeth up after you've eaten! Hashtag practical

We had fun eating it out on the porch since we didn't have any furniture set up and everything was still at the old apartment.

We moved last Saturday with the help of the Drake family and our Jeep!

And Tannin knew without a doubt she was the favorite child when she got a soft blanket with a grand view on the car ride over to the new home, and Colonel got a cup holder...
Sorry about all the sharp turns, Colonel.... #siblingrivalry
 Both scale babies have enjoyed their new views though!
"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, this'll do."

And after our first night of sleeping Saturday-Sunday, Taylor said he had to have a hummingbird feeder out in the backyard....So that of course happened ASAP.

For July 4th, Taylor slept (since he had to work night shift the night prior) while I went on Twin Falls hike by Silver Lake with the Drake family.
Lorien and Parker
DeMarie and Cody
Mike and Michelle
Kelsey and....just Kelsey... :(
 It's always fun to hang out with family and sweat like a beast!

But we all look so good doing it!
And then I came home to Taylor and Tannin in the backyard fixing up bikes.
Biker chick!
Luckily Grandma and Grandpa Shepherd invited us to a Fourth of July dinner since we still had a ton of unpacking and clean to do!

Fourth of July night was cool in our new neighborhood because everyone had huge fireworks right around us. We watched some from our kitchen window and backyard, and then took a walk around the neighborhood and watched 5-6 different shows!

Thursday was Scout Camp!
We took 3 of our Webelos up Millcreek Canyon to the Webelos Adventure Camp!

We had a competition with the boys to see who could build the biggest, and most protective shelter. We won. We have Tay. Tay made grass shingles. Be like Tay.

And of course, no home is ever a home until Taylor and I make one of our all time favorite meals in the kitchen...
Chicken Tacos!
...And create a new recipe as well!
Sweet and Sour Salmon!