Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So, Dallas and I.....we're in this love-hate relationship....emphasis on the hate....

It's not that I don't like living with my sister or making new friends.  I enjoy this time.  But I'm getting really frustrated with job searching and not having many things to do.  So basically I make tons of pro/con lists, and I've made lots of them about being in Dallas.

Con:  Can't see my parents, no job, no nannying, no best friends, missed my bff's wedding where I was suppose to be a bridesmaid, gym really sucks so working out doesn't always happen....hello chocolate and heart attack at 30...

Pro: on..........I'm sure there's something..........

Sometimes it's really hard to follow through with things if you really don't want to be doing them.

Especially when I consider what I want to be doing I COULD be doing in Utah.

One of these days, I think it'd be funny to count how many emails I've gotten that say:  "Although your resume is impressive, we are considering other applicants for this position and no longer pursuing you."

Well, gee, peace out (insert hospital name here), I hate you too!

I am awesome
I am a great nurse
My patients appreciate me
I will achieve all the righteous desires of my heart
I do good now
I make a difference now

But cream always rises to the top.  Even if it gets rejected 178.....oh new email......179 times...... :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Missin' those hugs

My parents came this past week and it was so much fun.  I'm so glad they come visit me because I missed them so much.  And my Dad especially helped me get excited to look for jobs again.  I got pretty exhausted looking for nursing jobs and going into the hospitals and always being rejected and told to go to the computer which then rejected me again....Blast this whole job searching ordeal.  But my parents went with me to different hospitals and I got some phone numbers to call tomorrow.....cross your fingers!

My week with the parents was awesome, even though they took my bed and I slept on the floor.  I'd sleep on the floor any day if it meant I could hang out with my parents in the morning...

These people are my best friends.  I love them so much even though we sometimes get on each others nerves.  I love how we always have each others best interests at heart and we know that even though we aren't perfect, we're still good examples to each other.

I was definitely missing them this weekend, especially as I woke up in my bed and realized my parents weren't already up and going to tease me for sleeping in....But this little cat was pretty fun to pet and hug
So the picture is obviously blurry, but this cat is freakin' adorbz

Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm so hottt

I dub today to be Kelsey's Day.  Mostly because it's been so hot at night for the past 2 weeks that I have a hard time sleeping.  Also, because I applied for even more jobs and haven't been rejected....yet.  Time to bring on the victory popsicles!
I would eat the popsicles even if I failed though, because, come's sooooooo hot.
It's been a really nice week for myself.  Went on a nature walk.  Saw a rainbow in the fountain.  Got Sam's Club pizza with Carlie.  Got a cupcake.  Got a nice note from Carlie and Seth.  Went to the temple and got fro-yo with my friends last night (no picture).


Oh, and I made some frozen pizza for myself tonight because on Kelsey's Day, you have to eat pizza for a meal.

I can't believe it's already August.  I've been in Dallas for 3 months!  I miss my parents a lot and my best friends back in Utah.  And I super miss the little W kids always telling me how awesome I am and how they want me to be their older sister so I would HAVE to babysit EVERY day.  Presh.  :)